How is the 770 programmed? It's a linux box, right?

Mainly C/C++, I guess.

What about the ones based on Pocket Windows or whatever it's called,
like the iPAQ? How are they programmed? Is there any

Oh, this is MS, it must be C# then :-)

high-level-language support for them? Even C or (sigh) basic would be
better than itsie bitsie machine language.

I think there are quite a few options. I'm sure C, .net and others are possible. I'm currently playing with EWE, something java based/related, but optimized for small devices ( It doesn't give the nicest looking applications, but my app will run on my Zaurus, on my Linux desktop and the XP Laptop. And if ever my boss pays me a PocketPC Smartphone Edition mobile, it will even run on my phone. By the day the Nokia 770 is available in Switzerland, support for this device might be available...

In short: yes, high level languages are available. The day I got my Nokia, I'll try to install perl on my Zaurus. And run Slimserver off it :-).



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