OK, here's what I am trying to do ...

Have a media server running SlimServer locked away downstairs that
drives a couple of Squeezeboxes in the house.

On a different PC I am messing about with Ableton Live to mix tracks
together and generally pretend I am the world's greatest DJ. It works
great but I'd like to listen to what's coming out of Ableton through my
Squeeze (not the PC speakers).

I can't find any streaming capability in Ableton, but was wondering:

- Is there a way to stream from my Ableton PC to the media server
running Slim and have this played through Squeeze in real time?

- Or could I install a separate SlimServer on my Ableton PC and have it
magically stream the sound card output to the Sqeezebox?

Both PCs are running Windows (if that makes a difference). Any
suggestions appreciated!



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