snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> Of course, in that mode, just what will your SB say, since it has no way
> of knowing what random track is playing?
> I guess this reminds me of how a certain-other-vendor claimed "we
> support XM radio!"   And when you actually looked at the details it was
> "yes, plug your XM radio into your sound card, and then you can listen
> to it!"  ("Oh?  And how do I change stations?"  "Just walk to the radio
> and change them...")
> Sure, you can make it work.  But you'll actually have more issues than
> it's worth unless it has just-as-much-support-as-plug-into-soundcard. 
> Things like getting the disc table of contents (ie, album name,
> artists, track names) into the database is going to be even more hassle
> than letting a pc-based ripper look them up and tag them.

The limitation that I've found on devices that accept wireless audio
streams is in the support of the various file types.

So, one drawback of the Squeezebox and SlimServer is that you can't
stream DRM iTunes files.

I've looked at dozens of different devices and they all at leasts one
file type limitation or another.

I'm looking for the hardware/software configuration that will stream
ANYTHING that is played on the PC.

SlimServer at least offers the opportunity of this community to make it
as flexible as possible in approaching that objective.  It's a simply
objective, really.  

Yes, the display on the SB box itself is nice, but a key part of
meeting the objective is in the control of WHAT is played WHEN.  My use
involves other family members sitting in the room with the stereo and
using a laptop or other touchscreen device such as the Viewsonic
AirPanel, and controlling the playback from the PC via XP Remote

I have the software solution for playback figured out.  Bill McCain's
Music Library software has library, playlist and playback support for
all my audio source, including the Sony Changers and the iTunes DRM

Hence the existing effort to access the soundcard's input so that no
matter what is played to the soundcard, THAT will get streamed to the

At times the SB display might show what's playing, but my users will
likely be looking more at the laptop/touchscreen device.

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