mparin Wrote: 
> Folks, 
> Apologies if this question is a repeat.  Although, I couldn't find
> anything in the archives w.r.t. my issue with SlimServer.
> My Purpose: 
> Access my mp3 music at work over the internet
> Background:
> 1. I have SlimServer 6.2.1 running at home on XP Pro.[say IP add is
> 2. the ip address of my linksys router is [Live IP through
> DSL]
> 2. I have a linksys router with port 9000 forwarded to
> 3. I have a dynamic dns setup through dyndns:
> the link is =
> 4. I have a webhop setup as follows:
> =
> 5. Another interesting data point, from my work, if i open-up a browser
> like explorer and point the url to, I can access my
> SlimServer just fine and I can play my music just fine.
> Problem:
> Here's the catch, when the wife tries to access the SlimServer from her
> work - she opens a browser firefox/explorer and points the browser to
>  However, she can't get to the SlimServer webpage
> like I can ...
> The error message she gets is 'Unable to Connect'. With Firefox, the
> error message is 'Unable to Connect.  Firefox can't establish a
> connection to the server at'
> Troubleshooting:
> With regards to troubleshooting, if i do a tracert, her pc can resolve
> the url of all the way to dyndns just fine. 
> Obviously, she is getting all the way to the SlimServer to get the
> message that I am getting.
> So, at this point, I am unsure of how do i go about troubleshooting
> this problem.
> Thoughts?
> Obviously, any pointers will be more than appreciated.
> Thanks in advance..
> --parin

Two thoughts come to mind:

1) Did you add your wife's IP addr/range to the ALLOWED IP ADDRESSES
area in Server Settings->Security

2) Your wife might have a proxy / firewall at her work which is
interferring with her outbound port 9000 attempt.  You can validate
this via Windows command shell, starting the command

telnet <ipaddrofyourserver> 9000<Enter>

and typing a ? and hitting <Enter> again.  If she gets back something

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 20:09:30 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/1.02
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 57

<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>400 Bad Request</h1>

then you know port 9000 is not blocked (by either your slimserver or
her work's firewall).  At this point, i'd start looking into any proxy

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