ajmitchell Wrote: 
> I have bought another SB2 in order to test my system. If the new
> wireless SB2 works ok, I am going to conclude that there is a problem
> with my SB3 (all possibly all SB3s if no one can confirm that this
> combination works). However if the new SB2 does not work your
> hypotheses about wireless  or file decoding may apply (somehow).
> Alex
I look forward to learning how things work out. I must say I agree with
those who have implied that network saturation is the likely culprit
based on your description (i.e. all three players on wireless). 

If it is cheaper/easier than running CAT5 to one of the SBs, a solution
might be to place a second wireless access point right by the one you
already have, and configure things like this:

Wireless AP (set to channel x)
^       ^*
__________________________|       |
SBa--|                                 |
SBb--|   Wireless AP (set to channel y)|

This connection marked with ^* uses one of the switched ethernet ports
on each of the wireless APs. The two plain ^ "connections" are

Disclaimer I haven't (yet) needed to try this myself, but I think it
would be likely to do the trick.

Edit: So much for my ASCII art-- the consecitive spaces don't get
rendered. The idea in English: connect a second Wireless AP, set to a
different channel, into the first with an ethernet wire. Set two of
your SBs to connect to the SSID of the old AP, and one to the SSID of
the new AP.

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