:)  Hi - well I did what Slim Tech Support told me.. ugrade to 6.2.2 in
order to fix problems with SqueezeNetwork. But, point well taken, I
will move this to the Beta forum and try to be helpful. 


seanadams Wrote: 
> You realize you're running pre-release software, right?  If you want to
> try the bleeding edge, be prepared for some instability. For help with
> the nightly builds, please post in the "Beta" forum - we will need data
> from you such as which platform you're running, what kind of wireless
> network you have, and so on. Then we can get the bugs fixed for you!
> If you don't want to troubleshoot that's fine too, just roll back to
> official release and you should be fine.


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound
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