A nice-sounding powered speaker is the Tivoli iPal.  It's basically an
AM/FM radio with a rechargable battery and a single "high-end" 2.5"
speaker.  It has a stereo headphone jack and an inupt jack to handle an
iPod (or SB).  

The tuner in this thing is better than the one in many modern
receivers.  It pulls in tons of stations and locks on without drift. 
We use it out in the yard with FM or an iPod and it sounds great.  The
lack of stereo speakers doesn't matter much - with most small powered
speakers, you don't get much separation anyway.  The amp and speaker in
the iPal sound clean, clear, and (dare I say it?) rich.  It sounds
better than many big boomboxes with cheap ear-bleeding speakers.

It's kind of pricey at $150, but this is a quality unit that will last
for many years, and it's something you'd actually want to listen to. 
The rechargable battery is supposedly good for up to 16 hours, though
I've never come close to verifying that claim.  It's fine for hotel
listening and would work great with a SB in a net-connected hotel room.
Use it with SqueezeNetwork for internet radio, the live archive, or the
sleep-inducing ocean/rain/cricket sounds.  Good alarm clock, too.

Pale Blue Ego
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