joek wrote:
> I want to be able to stress test and am curious as to which of the audio
> formats would provide a heavy load on the SB3?
> Would it be FLAC, since the SB3 would have to uncompress a large audio
> stream before playing?

What do you mean by stress? The CPU runs all the time.
If it is doing more useful work, say uncompressing a FLAC stream,
do you consider that stress? the cycles were going to happen
anyway, electrons would move, etc.

FLAC was designed to be easy to uncompress by very low
capabilities systems. Feeding a stream of bytes
to a D-to-A convertor makes the DA do something, but
that is what it was designed to do.

The SlimServer is much more likely to get stressed,
and only when driving lots of SBs in parallel.
I'm not sure what stress is to a dumb box like
a SqueezeBox. Its a slim device, after all.


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