> All other pros and cons aside, why do people hype the godawful interface?
> So that's: The iPod interface is _not_ as easy to use as the SqueezeBox

It's very different than anything else. Same thing with iTunes, which I
also find horribly difficult. Why some people say it's intuitive is beyond
me, but if you dig a bit you'll usually find that they've never used
anything else. So it's intuitive because it's the first one they've seen,
and because other people say it's intuitive. So twenty years from now when
it's all a distant memory, people will complain the wonderfully intuitive
interface design of the Naughty Naughts is lost forever, and those damn
kids won't get off the lawn.

Jack Coates At Monkeynoodle Dot Org: It's A Scientific Venture!
"I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, so across the Western
ocean I must wander" - traditional

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