I have only lately picked up on this thread. I have the free version of Last FM at the moment which I frequently use. Obviously from this thread I'm guessing this can be streamed via my SB. I have gone to the proxy settings and typed the IP address of my router as the host but the display just sits reading connecting to server. Could anyone take a minute or point me in the right direction as to how I configure Last FM to stream via my SB's.
I am currently running SB1 (Wirelessly) and SB3 Wired.
PS. I am running the new Belkin "Pre N" router. Supposedly with far better signal stregnth and range. What I have found though is that only one SB can connect to it wirelessly. It doesn't matter which one, but the other sits with wireless signal stregnth showing "0%". It doesn't matter where the connected box is either(in terms of range). If I have the SB1 connected (Downstairs) and the SB3 sitting right next to the router, the SB3 still shows 0% and vice versa.
Anyone any experience of this?
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