I'm just getting my SB3 up & running with all of the plug-ins, etc. to my satisfaction and am now working on the arduous task of cleaning my tags. I have already gone through using MusicBrainz and now 95% of my collection has consistent files names and relatively clean tags. However, I found that none of the files have genre tags anymore.
Two questions...

1. Any recommendations on how to get genres entered? I could go through with a ID3-Tagit and lookup each album on FreeDB, but it seems like there should be an easier way, considering the fact that most of the tags are clean. What level of detail do most people put in their genre tags? I have about 15k files, so generalizing them into Rock, Pop, Classical, Heavy Metal, etc. is probably not granular enough.

2. I've been playing with MusicMagic and found that the playlists it generates are very odd. How does MM generate the playlists? Is it likely that the lack of genre tags is causing some problems?

- Dave

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