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Vik- THANKS. I've been waiting to hear someone be blown away by the ajax
stuff, because I really think it's the best thing I've done on this skin
to date. I was suprised at the relative lack of response/enthusiasm on
the changes...I really thought they were going to gnerate some buzz.
I'm happy to hear your appreciative.

On the 'click on the progress bar' thing, I agree it would be super
cool, and had thought a similar thing myself. This is best taken up on
the dev forum, but does anyone know if there is a URL argument that can
be sent to slimserver to advance to a particular spot in a track? If
there is, then this feature at least has some potential of becoming a

Also, I should note I'm going to be away from Nokia770 skin development
for the next week or two. I run an insanely time consuming online NCAA
basketball pool, and the tournament starts next week. Rest assured,
I'll be back after that. I've already started work on ajaxing the
playlist page, which should be another big usability improvement.


bklaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58
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