I have my music library on an Infrant NAS running RAID 5 with 878 GB of
storage on my home network.  I bought the NAS primarily for the large,
contiguous file space that it offers and I also use it for storing
video and computer backups.  The RAID part is secondary.  I did have a
bad disk when I first set it up last summer, but that meant I had to
run the array in a degraded state (cross your fingers, lose a 2nd drive
ane you're toast) for about 10 days (the only alternative being to shut
it down) while the disk was RMA'd.

My library is under 180 MB, so I back up the library by mirroring it
using robocopy to a spare drive in one of my Windows XP PCs on the
network.  I could just as easily do it the other way around - storing
the library on a local disk in the music server and doing backups to
the NAS.  That would certainly be faster for SlimServer scanning, but
I'm anticipating eventually needing the large amount of storage that
the NAS gives.  Backups at that point may have to be to another
similarly configured NAS, or else I'll build a dedicated storage

The downside to living in an age where you can have enormous amounts of
cheap disk storage is that if you actually start filling it up with
_valuable_ data, then you have no good, inexpensive way to back it up. 
Disk-to-disk backups end up being among the least expensive way, but it
means that you need to at least double your storage space to accomplish


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