At work (and sometimes at home) I rely on XMMS (in Linux) to listen to
my mp3s.  I've grown accustomed to a plugin named 'IMMS'
( that notices which
songs I play and those I skip and rates them accordingly.  It also
analyzes the different song's bpm and tonal qualities to attempt to
play similar songs consecutively.  When I place my entire library in
the playlist and randomly play it, I really like the choices IMMS makes
for me.

The developer, Michael Grigoriev, has developed this as "generic
adaptive playlist framework" and "plugins for other players should be
relatively easy to add" (see v2.0 notes on ).  I'm hoping
this is the case for some possible integration with slimserver.  I
would absolutely love to get the same functionality I've grown
accustomed to and enjoy daily at work through my squeezebox2.

Any thoughts on this?  Does this seem do-able or simply a naive guy's
pipe dream?

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