On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 01:17:27 -0800, "gorman"
> I'm not (yet?) a user of this plugin, but I just felt like expressing my
> gratitude to all these people that spend their time to donate something
> freely to the community.


> I won't judge the original poster, frustration and anger happen to
> everybody, from time to time.
> It's really just a thank you to the developers! :)

There's another issue here, IMO. Shouldn't Slim Devices incorporate
Internet Radio into the Slimserver themselves instead of relying on
unpaid amateurs (like us) who most of the time don't really have the
time to create a finished polished end-user product?

I've loooked at the BBC plugin, but it looked very complicated to
install on my Linux server. I'd like to be able to listen to BBC
stations (and Dutch public Radio) out of the box. I don't think that's
too much to ask from a device that costs 300 EURO's.

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