kdf Wrote: 
> Quoting jonheal <jonheal.25g0dz1143655202 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
> forums.slimdevices.com>:
> >
> > I added a line to print all values of the $slimCommand to the debug
> log
> > (within the commandCallback sub). Neither "button, play" nor "button
> > play" appeared in the log.
> >
> > However, if I changed this line:
> >
> > elsif ($slimCommand eq "play")
> >
> > to this:
> >
> > elsif ($slimCommand eq "play" || "button, play")
> that will always be TRUE, since "button, play" is a value and not a  
> conditional.
> it doesn't phrase like spoken language, you have to do the logic each
> time:
> elsif ($slimCommand eq "play" || $climCommand eq "button, play")
> However, that isn't what you need to find anyway.
> what you want to look for is:
> elsif ($slimCommand eq "play || ($slimCommand eq "button" && $paramOne 
> eq "play"))
> and that will only work when there is actually a play event.  However, 
> as it turns out, there isn't always such a thing.  if you load a  
> playlist, it will start playing as part of the load and there is no  
> play event.  However, that's how slimserver works and I really don't  
> have to motivation to go on a mission to change that.  Execute will  
> still do what is says...run a script on a play event.
> Depending on what your script is doing, you may want to stick with  
> checking for "newsong" or some other event.  "newsong" will at least  
> be a good one if you want to update a blog entry with the new song  
> infomation, for example.
> using the 6.2.2 version, the debug needs to be --d_stdio to get the  
> command watcher output.  in 6.5 versions, I changed to the more  
> standard d_plugins.  The point of that was to provide the tools for  
> people, such as yourself, to easily change the events to be whatever  
> they want.  Simply match the $slimCommand, $paramOne or any other  
> params at will and you can hijack any of the four events to be  
> whatever suits your needs.
> as another note, copy line 159 (the setExecuteCallback) to just above 
> the last } in the initPlugin function (two lines above "sub lines") to 
> make the plugin activate on startup instead of having to activate  
> manually each time.
> -k

Thanks for your help with all of this. I will watch the d_stdio log for
grins, but for now, I'll probably stick with trapping for "newsong"
since what you described is exactly what I'm trying to do -- update a
web page with "now playing" info. 95% of my collection is FLAC, and it
seems to work with those files. The rest are mp3s. I haven't tried it
with those, so I don't know if "newsong" is issued when an mp3 is
played or not, but frankly, after listening to FLACs, I can't stand
listening to the mp3s any more anyway.

I'll put in the change you outlined to keep the script activated.

Thanks again. Sorry if I've been a pain in the a$$.


Jon Heal says:
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