fingers Wrote: 
> Not sure what you mean by this as MP3tag doesn't list all the album
> folders (at least by default).  It lists all the .mp3 files total.  I
> don't see what you are describing here or how to change the app so that
> it displays the album folders as does Godfather and also ID3TagIT3.  I
> just launched MP3Tag again and again it took forever as it scanned the
> complete library and again listed all the .mp3 files as if they are all
> in one folder.
No, it doesn't display a folder structure, but it does list all the
files it can see in the directory (including subdirectories) you have
told it to look at. If that is your music library, then it will list
all the files in the library. You point it at a directory by clicking
the "change directory" icon (picture of a folder with a green tick on
it) and then navigating in the dialog box that pops up.

> I also do not see anywhere in the app where it might show both ID3V1
> and or ID3V2.  But for that matter, I don't see that in the other 3 tag
> editors as well.

See the detailed instructions in my previous post.

> EZ CD-DA Extractor has the option to ENABLE ID3V1 & ID3V2.  Both are
> enabled by DEFAULT.  Which one should I select when ripping?
ID3v2 is generally newer, better, and preferred. The only reason I know
to use ID3v1 is if you want to play the tracks in a low-tech mp3 player
that only reads v1 tags.

I suggest you delete the v1 tags (mp3tag will do this for you) or, if
you prefer, re-rip with only v2.

Sorry, can't help with the cue file.


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