The point I was trying to make was that I would prefer to have just one
application which distributes to all of the above.  I'm not too bothered
about it announcing the name, so that would be an added bonus.  I also
like the idea of having access to my call history via a browser when
I'm not at home (as per the linked screenshots above).

Does the xAP solution accomplish all of this?
xAP's whole philosophy is to distribute functionality. You can install any xAP application anywhere on your intranet (any PC) and its' functionality is available to the whole network. A peripheral sharer if you like. It is effectively a broadcast (UDP) implementation where interested parties choose to listen to information they have an interest in. It can be 'targeted' at specific nodes instructing them to do something eg 'display this' or a node can choose to 'display Caller ID ' messages. It is not possible to have private conversations in xAP. So to answer your question .. yes, one xAP Caller ID application provides full telephony call progress information including CID to all PC's on your network. xAP offers (free) popup display applications for Windows (including Windows MCE2005) and hardware display devices like Tivo / SB's as well as Windows MCE. It can interface also to any YAC capable display device. Currently although xAP has TTS it does not implement it as an interruption and announcement over the Slim player audio. It does support suspend and resume of playing audio during a telephone call though - alongside display of the incoming call and callers name etc

A bit of background.. xAP creates truly distributed nodes on your network, eg one provides an incoming 'Caller ID' service and another a 'Text to Speech' and another a 'Caller ID name /history lookup' and several others might provide a 'display' service. These can be linked either directly or through a (free) script engine like xAP Desktop or xAP. This distributed and segmented approach is cause for one of the difficulties some people find in getting it all working together- you need all the components up and running. Several commercial home automation applications support xAP either directly or via a plugin eg HomeSeer, MisterHouse, Girder, XLobby etc For SlimServer there is a xAP connection providing display functionality (including full handling of queued messages with timed durations to multiple separate named display devices each with priority overides and suspend / resume) - there is also an IR receive functionality and a full audio player interface providing a real time eventing, status and control interface to xAP - and hence onward to HomeSeer etc. The xAP connector utilises SlimServers' CLI interface. With a bit of familiarisation you can use xAP to fully integrate Slim players within control environments enriching the HA integration. The Slim players are a really versatile piece of kit - and well established as the player of choice in the HA community here. Oh - and xAP is free :-)


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