kdf Wrote: 
> >
> > realtyler Wrote:
> >> Responses of "get the nightly build" to questions posed makes me
> >> frustrated...
> >
> >
> would you prefer "wait for the next release in 6 months"?
> pointless complaint in my book.  releases have problems, fine.
> don't bitch about the availability of NIGHTLY freaking updates and 
> fixes.
I think the point was simply that the quality level of SlimServer
releases has been sorely lacking.  Since I do run the nightlies, and
think that they tend to be much more reliable than the releases, this
hasn't been an issue for me.  But try to realize the fact that most
people don't want to screw around with beta software and installing
fixes to basic functionality every other day.  Start releasing software
that has been tested more thoroughly.  SlimServer doesn't have a stellar
record of quality and 6.3.0 certainly doesn't appear to have changed
that record.  Slim Devices has quickly gotten into the rut of marketing
pushing out software well before it's ready to be released, and someone
needs to put an end to this stupid habit.


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