Now I see a little clearer where this is going.

In order to come up with a proper solution, one has to analyze the
whole system and not just one component.

A working slim system consists of one (generally) server, one to many
squeezeboxes, one to many amplifiers or powered speakers or headphones
or whatever.

The squeezebox consumes about 5 watts, 4 if it turns off the display.

A server consumes about 70 watts if it's a PC, about 20 watts perhaps
if it's a NAS. 

Amplifiers consume anywhere from 20 watts up. Powered speakers I don't

Slim Devices has gone to great lengths to turn off most of the big
power consumers in this bigger picture. 

They have added support for WOL, which would allow the slim server, if
it's running on a PC, to be turned off and woken up again.

They have modified the way the slim server works so that it doesn't
needless access the disk. This would allow the disk to spin down on a
server that's idle, saving another 10W or so. If the case holding the
disk has thermal sensing, that might shut off a fan too after a while.

They have added support, 2 different ways (geek port and quieting the
outputs) to turn off your amplifier when the SB is not in use. There
was a request a while ago that they add relay contacts to turn off
attached amplifiers. I don't know if they're considering that or not.

These enhancements, turning off probably several hundred watts when the
device is not in use, probably save a lot more than trimming the 5 watts
the SB itself is using.

However, it is possible that, in a new design, the A/D converter, the
headphone amplifier and one or two other odds and ends could be turned
off without compromising it's ability to turn itself back on again. I'm
not sure. It's not an area that I know much about. 

However, were I Slim Devices, I'd work on better support for turning
off the big guys first. Turning off the attached devices that are 10x
or more bigger power consumers would be a higher priority for me than
shrinking the consumption of the SB itself.

That's my $0.02, anyways.

Oh, and kuetstef? Ich kann Deutsch lesen.

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