Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> I think Radish has a point. Standby power is important, because it's
> 24/7, but for a lot of appliances, it's dwarfed by the power usage when
> the unit is on.
> Someone mentioned the standby power of a microwave. I can't imagine it
> has any standby requirement. I don't have a remote for my microwave.
> Unless there's a clock in the microwave, none of it runs when it's in
> standby.
> Televisions have a standby power consumption so that they can respond
> to IR codes from your remote, but more importantly, the picture tube is
> kept slightly warm to cut down on startup time. I'm actually old enough
> to remember when this wasn't true, and picture tubes took like 30
> seconds to start up. The IR receiver power consumption is trivial -
> it's the standby current to the filaments of the video tube that's
> important.
> The SB shuts essentially none of itself down, other than dimming the
> screen. I suppose it could do more. But even in the small picture of
> the SB, server & amplifier, the SB itself is small potatoes. 
> But in the larger picture of how we spend our whole lives, we spend
> much more power (electricity and other forms of energy) than that by
> refrigerating things that don't need it, by not insulating our houses
> properly, by not planting trees to shade our houses and cut down on air
> conditioning, by living so far from work and commuting so far every day,
> by living in houses with 5 external surfaces to radiate heat in the
> winter, rather than apartments with 1 or 2, by having a car per person,
> a cell phone per person, by not having skylights in our houses and then
> turning on the lights in the middle of the day, etc, etc, etc.
> So, as Radish says, it would be more useful if we dealt with the larger
> issues rather than the smaller ones. Even a small improvement in a large
> issue yields more benefit than a large improvement in a trivial power
> consumption.


Do things that will actually make a real difference!

- use compact fluorescent lights.  A 13W CF replaces a 60W
incandescent, I think you use 11W CFs to replace 40W incandescents.

- rather than using the large oven, use the microwave or the toaster

- consider newer, more efficient appliances, particularly
refrigerators.  My utility actually has a buyback program for old
refrigerators used as secondary/beer fridges.  And try to get rid of
those old chest freezers.

- upgrade windows

- upgrade insulation.  A cheap, easy thing to do is to install foam
gaskets around outlets and put safety caps on outlets when not in use.

These things will actually make a difference unlike a measly savings of
a few watts on a Squeezebox.

It's all a matter of perspective.  There's a term out there, "penny
wise, pound foolish".  Saving power on a Squeezebox while ignoring the
much, much larger items certainly qualifies.

Mark Lanctot
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