It doesn't - SlimServer is capable of knowing exactly _one_ image for
an album (and its tracks).  It resizes that one image in the Browse
Artwork view.

There are two: cover and coverThumb (as slimserver sees them). The cover images look for artwork with some known filenames, ordered for typically large to small. The thumbnail looks for the same filesnames, but ordered small to large. This assumes that thumbnails, being displayed at lower resolution, need only grab the smaller files if available.

There is a pref to size the thumbnails in browse artwork (server settings->interface) so you can set those to the thumbnail size of your images if you really want. Fro 6.5, If you have the GD library installed, then slismerver will resize the images before they are sent to the browser (for better quality render and faster caching).

There is also a pref to set extra or preferred filename for cover and for thumbnail. For example, if you want AlbumArtSmall.jpb to be the default image in every case, you can enter that for the Artwork filename and it will override teh normal first name, which is cover.jpg.

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