MrSinatra Wrote:
for as long as i've had SS it seems to always grab the 75x75 jpg, and
then scale it up to 100x100, which is why i noticed b/c that looks
crappy, but it does do it... is that not server side resizing?
My apology for the bum advice.  I think kdf's post should clear up
thumb/cover art somewhat.

so many options that it is very confusing. I have the advantage of being familiar with that section of code, so when I had to look it up, I could.

Seems like all you'd need to do to get this behavior is have SlimServer
not see your thumbnails, either by renaming or by deleting them.

I'd try puttiong Folder.jpg in as the thumbnail pref in Server Settings->interface first. If that works (I think it should) then it does save the effort of renaming. The price of this is that the loading of the page will take longer, as the browser needs to load much more data, then scale it down. With 6.5, the server does the work, so you get CPU usage increases on the server, but less bnadwidth used in sending to the browser and a faster page render.
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