Just to put my 2c worth in.... I agree that generally the release versions of SlimServer tend to have more issues than I would expect of 'release' software and this does tend to force a product positioning suitable for technically competent users only. I have been a devoted Slim user for many many years as it simply offers more 'opportunity' than any other available solutions. This is the key draw for me. Unfortunately during that time there have always been issues that have caused dissatisfaction with the product for me - particularly as I use a large music library on Windows. The main ones were performance related , music stalls, CPU utilisation and response time in searches and scans , and there were always the extra features I felt I needed too eg FLAC, WMA, Rhapsody, better CLI etc.. I also felt that Windows was very much a second choice OS for Slim and that their development, testing and support seemed to focus on Linux, even though I suspect Windows platform is by far the dominant platform for volume sales. (BTW how about putting something into SlimServer to report which OS it is running on back to Slim then platform usage would be clear - or is that too worrying to people) . Some help posts to the lists also either go ignored or solicit quite unpleasant responses. I know in an open project environment this is very difficult to manage but in the end the customer 'feels' this as reflective on Slims' attitudes.

However ...now for the first time with v6.3 I have started to feel that SlimServer offers mostly everything I want :-). It's performance has improved substantially and the key features for me are all in there. With v6.5 I believe Slim will have reached a milestone in delivering a fully featured product that performs nicely and has an architecture that suits the application. So returning to the original 'end user appliance' post at the start of this thread I really feel for the first time when v6.5 is released that Slim should concentrate their efforts on providing a rock solid release version , extensively tested on all platforms by as many people as they can get involved, perhaps by promotion of a beta campaign. They should then focus on whatever is needed to allow the 6.5 release to become more accessible by less technical users , increasing the appeal and end user satisfaction out to the masses - where the volume sales and $$$ are :-) Maybe this will be launched as the lucky '7' offering. There are always going to be new features people want (I would love DRM and full uPNP player/server support for example) but essentially 6.5 is , for the first time IMO, a product to be proud of satisfying almost all users requirements. It should be extensively QA'd to ensure this opportunity is not marred on release. With 6.5 I think Slim have potentially arrived.


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