I've still got my original SB1 remote and it's neither damaged nor worn
and has seen consistent use. It has survived a move too. I too was of
the impression that the remote was flimsy and looked cheap, but at the
end of the day, it gets the job done just fine. I'd rather SD keep the
cost of the SB low by supplying a minimal remote and focusing efforts
on the SB internals. Also, the SB can be easily controlled via a
Universal remote. I now have a Harmony 880 that I use to control my SB
and barely touch the original remote, unless it's closer to me than the
Harmony. ;) Heh heh.




*iPod:* 4G [40GB]  |  *OS:* Windows XP Pro SP2 | *iPod audio:* Sony '
and 'MDR-V600'
*MP3s:* 59.3 GB / 8,609 songs and growing! | *MP3 ripper:* 'EAC'
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(http://www.rarewares.org/mp3.html) v3.97b2 [-V 0]
*Manager:* 'Anapod Explorer' (http://www.redchairsoftware.com/anapod/)
v8.9.7a | *Extras:* 'Squeezebox v1'
(http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_overview.html), 'Linksys NSLU2'
WD Dual-option 250GB External Drive
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