Mark Lanctot wrote:
pfarrell Wrote:
Last login: Sun Jul 23 10:43:51 2006 from
(beatles)/home/pfarrell> uptime
23:52:10 up 403 days, 11:03,  2 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.13,

Given the recent weather, this has me wondering - how do you manage
that?  Do you use a UPS?

Yes, of course.

The uptime on my router hasn't been longer than 2-3 days for about 2
weeks now due to all the power bumps.  Not failures, just long enough
to cause a reboot.

I have three or four UPS in my basement "server farm" which is
where I keep my SlimServer, my cable modem, my firewall box,
and the machine that hosts
It is really just some space next to the furnace and water heater.

There is a little one for just the cable modem and switches,
a moderate one for the slimserver and a huge heavy thing
for the dual-processor Xeon servers.

Pat Farrell         PRC recording studio

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