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aubuti;130638 Wrote: 
> Ben: Thanks for all your work on this skin -- it's great even without a
> 770. Sorry if this has already come up, but here's a feature request
> that I haven't found when skimming this thread. 
> Several of my albums don't have album art yet, so when I browse by
> album art (configured to show placeholders) it shows the file folder
> silhouette with a big question mark. Would it be possible to also show
> a popup with the album info when one mouses over the placeholder, the
> same way that the default and handheld skins do? That would be a very
> nice touch.

there's a bug on this, but for the life of me I can't reproduce it in
firefox or opera (gentoo linux). If you mouseover an album represented
by a question mark, you *should* see the name of the album and artist
show up.


reopen this bug with further info if you are still seeing an issue.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"
bklaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58
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