On 9/13/06, Michaelwagner

> Slim -REALLY- needs to fix up the web interface.
Michael Herger;135787 Wrote:
> Patches are most welcome.
I know this is the conventional thing people say here for this kind of

However, in this case, the things that most people don't like about the
web interface will need more than patches. I think substantial
rethinking is necessary, and some re-architecting.

Okay, how about this: mockups welcome. Draw what you want to see and post a picture.

Everyone who complains says something similar to "substantial rethinking", but no one has said what they want, aside from a couple of people who liked Pandora's interface and some people who want it to use a specific technology (Flash, AJAX, cans and string). Then there's the folks who want it to be jettisoned in favor of a native app...

I'm quite happy with the web interface as it is in 6.5, particularly Fishbone. The performance issues that dogged it in 6.3 are all better, and the gallery view option is just what I wanted. Nokia770 is also a nice skin, but not really to my taste (too clearly designed for small screen).
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So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
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