kklemme;139374 Wrote: 
> I'm a little confused by Josh's reply above.
> Bear in mind, I don't have a system or any hardware running; just
> checking things out for the future.
> Josh said that FLAC supports Replay Gain. If I start with WMA Lossless,
> I'm assuming that the transcoding happens on the fly along with volume
> leveling, and the output is then streamed. Is this correct? When
> transcoding to FLAC, I'm assuming that no new file is saved to disk
> (correct?). So his comment about adding replay gain later is
> confusing.
> By the way, how does SlimServer accomplish this in real time? Is it
> transcoding and leveling the next file when the current one is
> playing....Thanks

Transcoding can mean two things - converting all your WMA files to FLAC
in one shot or using slimserver to play them by converting the audio
data on the fly. I think the two of you are talking about different

Anyhow, that's not the issue, you're talking about volume correction.
There are a few different techniques for doing this but most of them
involve analysing the whole file (or sometimes whole album's worth of
files) and writing the results of the analysis into tags. WMP does this
itself for WMA files, ReplayGain is similar and works with a few file
types including FLAC. iTunes can also do it - again using it's own
tagging scheme. Slimserver will read the tags that it understands and
use the data to adjust the playback volume accordingly. It certainly
supports ReplayGain tags, and I think it also supports whatever scheme
iTunes uses. I don't _think_ it supports the volume tags in WMA files
(although I may be wrong). What this means is that if you play the WMA
files as-is through slimserver you won't get any volume levelling.
However, if you convert your collection to some other format (like
FLAC) you can then add ReplayGain tags, and then you'll have the

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