Bruce S.;141495 Wrote: 
> Does anybody have experience with SB3 failing to connect every time the
> server PC gets shut down and restarted? This has happened to me every
> single time the PC has been turned off.
> Getting the SB3 to connect has been a voodoo like operation that never
> has made any sense. Only this time it is not working. Normally, what I
> have done is to switch the encryption from WEP 64 to no password [or
> back]. This has magically worked (even though I realize that this trick
> should have no bearing whatsoever on connecting) in the past.
> Now nothing works. Does any body have any ideas?
What version of SlimServer?

Does the SB3 fail to connect to the wireless router or does it fail to
connect to the server?  There's a big difference.  If you're just
shutting down the server, then the SB should remain connected to the
wireless router, even while the server is unavailable.

I had a similar problem for several months during the beta testing of
SlimServer 6.5, but it went away a couple weeks before the final

The problem was that when SlimServer was shut down and then started
back up, the Squeezeboxes on my network more often than not refused to
connect.  The workaround for my problem was to restart the SlimServer
service.  Eventually (sometimes it took six or more tries) the
Squeezeboxes would connect.  Open a web browser to the home page of
SlimServer and refresh it every five or ten seconds for about 30-45
seconds after restarting the SlimServer service.  If your Squeezeboxes
don't connect in that time, try again.  Look for the appearance of the
players on the home page under 'Settings' to know when they've


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