Josh Coalson;144740 Wrote: 
> --- peterbell <peterbell.2femkn1160386801 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
> wrote:[color=blue]
> > analogue amplification is also lossy, the question is always whether
> or not it's audible.  the flac replaygain synthesis code does
> dithering
> with noise shaping, so you should ABX test it to see if you can hear
> a difference first.
> also, the noise shaping is controllable via switches in one of the
> conf files; you can spend more processor time to increase the quality.
> Josh
Oh yes, of course there is loss of information (and addition of false
information) in the anologue domain but I would guess, unless there are
some very serious non-linearities, the effect is seldom as obvious as
the infidelities which could be introduced in the digital domain.

However, it may be worth, as you suggest, setting up an ABX test so
that I can judge for myself.

I guess that, from a purist point of view, having elected to use FLAC
coding for all my music, it goes against the grain to, knowingly,
introduce unneccessary digital processing.

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