My immediate thoughts are to the purchase of Harmony by Logitech a while
ago. When I bought my first Harmony remote they were a small company
making innovative products which worked really well but which could
have used better industrial design, packaging and marketing. They even
had a kind of open-source aspect in that the DB of IR codes were user
submitted. I was pretty bummed when I heard they were bought by
Logitech, but the net outcome has been fairly positive. The products
look a _lot_ slicker, work generally just as well as before, and
they're a lot easier to get hold of now. I would say support has gone
downhill, and I too dislike any Logitech-supplied software I've ever
used (SetPoint - ugh!), but I'm still buying the remotes :)

IMHO Slim don't need help in the design department, but having
Logitech's marketing group behind them won't hurt. I am a little
concerned about support and general QC (my Harmony 880 STILL won't
charge properly because of a faulty cradle, and support are pretty
horrible to deal with) but we'll see. 

My major concern is that the desire for people to pitch in and help
with the software will dry up as Logitech can surely afford to hire as
many devs as they need and everyone knows it. Slimserver wouldn't be
what it is now if it were a purely in-house product. But again, if
Logitech can find some way of keeping the small club feeling whilst
expanding the user base 10x, then maybe it'll all be OK. 

I can say one thing though - any fancy schmancy remote they make better
work with my Transporter!

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