Just heard the news so am of course quite late to the discussion. Read
most of the posts and can see many different futures ahead for SD and
Logitech but to my mind the most likely is that Logitech will create a
good or perhaps very good music device - with a much larger market.
Slim Devices had the chance to create a GREAT music device - with a
much smaller market.

As much as the Logitech folks might like to think of themselves as a
company they are not, they will, in the end, be driven by a passion for
the bottom line and not a passion for musical excellence. A company
their size has no choice.

During this transition we will read all the perfectly crafted messages
stating how involved Logitech will remain in the current community, and
how dedicated they are to the SqueezeBox.

This is not a knock on Logitech as they are obligated so say such
things in our modern corporate culture.

I only hope they can come to this table and be honest about their
corporate responsibities, which must come first as the nature of
reality in the corporate world, and not pretend to be able to attend to
the existing audio community established here, let alone be willing. The
two directions are simply at cross purposes and cannot exist in a
company of that size.

I would also assume that this forum will change radically as well.
Again, out of necessity. Nightly builds will disappear, as they must. A
more consumer friendly product (or many) will surface very shortly and
the transporter seems VERY out of place in a world of consumer driven
products, can't see how it can survive.

I won't bid a farewell as of yet but it will come soon enough, and to
that end i would like to thank all of the people here who have made the
SB such a great device and most of all to the community that has a added
lot to my knowledge in a kind and courteous way.

Best to all,
Larry Hawes

LHawes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6244
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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