CardinalFang;149995 Wrote: 
> Now if I'm an audiophile completely new to networked audio and walk
> into a store and see a LogiTech product and a Sonos product, I may
> think "LogiTech do PC peripherals and PC sound is generally awful, so I
> think I'll take a look at this Sonos (or Sooloos) product, whoever they
> are".
> It may not be fair, but we are loaded with preconceptions about
> products based on brand and appearance. This often steers purchases
> towards the familiar and safe option. Slim built up a reputation,
> changing to LogiTech could throw that away.

The thing is that the sort of audiophile who hangs out at headfi is a
lot more like the target audience, in all likelihood. That demographic
has the advantage of actually growing, rather than shrinking (literally
dying out). Others have pointed out on other threads that, for these
kinds of (mostly younger) hobbyists, some of the high end stuff is kind
of a joke, and there's a lot less emphasis on how expensive/cool
looking/exclusive/whatever the gear is, and a lot more on how it
sounds. For them, logitech won't be a problem.

And, frankly, acting as if the crappy audio that comes with a dell is
representative of good computer audio is as silly as acting as if a
crappy system from best buy is representative of audio in general.


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