Found out my slimserver is not playing FLAC anymore.....
Silence all the way. Playing ape (after a hack in convert.conf), mp3 just fine.
Playing FLAC on my Softsqueeze works fine as well. Found out that
SoftSQ does eat native FLAC, no conversion on slimserver being done

that means digging into convert.conf..

FLAC is the only format with a $BEGIN$ and $END$ tag. In the flac.exe
command line options you're able to give a start and cut-off point for
your decoded file. (Partial decoding of a file)

Slimserver sends a begin of 0 and an end of -0

duration of flac file is detected by slimserver. Erasing the
"--skip=$START$ --until=$END$ " part does not help, still no stream to
my squeezebox.

When i paste the command executed by slimserver (eehh, displayed in the
logfile..) to my command-line a playable wav file is being created...

HELP!! (i have *tons* of FLAC which i cannot play :-(

here's my debug info:

Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (142)   Found command: [flac]
-dcs --force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed --skip=$START$
--until=$END$ -- $FILE$
Slim::Utils::Prefs::maxRate (935) Setting maxBitRate for
to: 320
Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin (150) Didn't find binary for lame.exe
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand (302) Matched
Format: wav Type: flc Command: [flac] -dcs --force-raw-format
--endian=little --sign=signed --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$
Slim::Player::Source::openSong (1616) This is an flc file:
Slim::Player::Source::openSong (1617)   file type: flc format: wav
inrate: 719.423 maxRate: 320
Slim::Player::Source::openSong (1618)   command: [flac] -dcs
--force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed --skip=$START$
--until=$END$ -- $FILE$
Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand (360) Using
command for conversion: "C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs
--force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed --skip=0 --until=-0 --
"D:\Data\media\Classic\Handel\Messiah - Beecham\101 - Part I,
Overture.flac" |
Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (77) Launching process with command:
-o 3143 -c "\"C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe\" -dcs
--force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed --skip=0 --until=-0 --
\"D:\Data\media\Classic\Handel\Messiah - Beecham\101 - Part I,
Overture.flac\" |"
Slim::Player::Source::openSong (1758) Streaming with format: wav
Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptReader (183) Pipeline reader connected
Slim::Player::Source::readNextChunk (1988) Would have blocked, will try
again later.
Slim::Player::Source::readNextChunk (2005) readlen undef: (Unknown
error) 10054
Slim::Player::Source::readNextChunk (2034) end of file or error on
socket, opening next song, (song pos: 0(tell says: . 0), totalbytes:
Slim::Player::Source::gotoNext (985) Opening next song...

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