MelonMonkey;157951 Wrote: 
> Anyway, adding HD to Transporter = bad.
> Creating and marketing Slim-branded server = good.
The original poster wasn't recommending adding a HD to the Transporter.
He was simply suggesting *another* way of accessing his music by
providing extra "logic" in the device itself so it can browse network
accessible storage - independent of a server.

It would be nice if you could:
1) connect network attached storage to LAN
2) connect Transporter to LAN
3) browse and play music from NAS without ever needing to install
slimserver on any PC.

Having this ability shouldn't need to preclude any existing
functionality of the slim devices, it should be in addition to it. 
Just as I have the option when powering on my SB2 to connect to my
slimserver or SqueezeNetwork, why not an additional option to browse a
network attached hard drive for music?  Would this be such a bad thing?

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