spacemarmot wrote:
> SadGamerGeek;155209 Wrote: 
>> Why?
>> Richard
> Since SlimServer is a non-trivial open source application, the ability
> to recruit quality contributors is hindered by clinging to an obsolete
> and misapplied programming language.  SlimServer will not have much of
> a future if it cannot compete for developer interest with more
> forward-looking designs.  You can think of starting a migration as a
> cost today or you can think of it as an investment in future
> productivity.

You're talking about two different things here.

I personally think that slimserver needs re-architecting to use multiple
threads/processes/programs so, for example, audio streaming is
unaffected by browsing a large playlist.

However, I do not agree with your assertion that perl is "obsolete and
misapplied". Any problems with slimserver are *not* because it is
written on perl.


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