NauticusLX;166330 Wrote: 
> Actually, my complaints are based on well over 4 hours of working with
> the "SqueezeBox 3" menu and submenus.   I think that’s obvious from my
> exhaustive review.  Are any of the facts I described wrong?  Do any of
> the urls I describe as non working actually work?  Does anybody think
> it’s great that all the personality driven talk shows are scattered
> among half a dozen subsubsubgroups?
> I have every right to expect Slim Devices to provide reliable content,
> either directly or through a chosen provider.   Slim Devices should at
> least be aware that this problem exists, and I see it as a problem. 
> You certainly haven’t convinced me that scattering “Personality driven
> talk shows” among half a dozen  sub-sub-sub groups is in any way
> practical.  I always think it’s strange that talk shows would be broken
> down by political ideology, because people just want interesting talk.  
> It would make more sense to group radio talk shows based on headers like
> family oriented, slightly vulgar, very vulgar, etc, or the maturity
> level of the show.  Because all talk shows present many points of view,
> and are ultimately for entertainment purposes anyway.  Even most
> “political” talk shows are ultimately not really political, so the
> conservative/liberal or whatever labels are, ultimately, meaningless.  
> And all talk shows are issues oriented, so it’s misguided to have a
> subsubsubcategory called “Issues”.  It’s like having a subgroup called
> “Audio”, or “Vocal”.   And frankly, it’s fraudulent to have entire
> subcategories for which there are no working urls.  Aside from who’s to
> blame, don’t you agree that it’s fraudulent?  At what point do you think
> it’s a problem?   I simply think we’re at that point.   Aside from who
> is to blame, the menu system at RadioTime is badly organized, at least
> in terms of usability with the SqueezeBox, which, obviously, is limited
> to a more linear presentation, unlike a website, where the eye can
> wander and see more. Evidently the RadioTime menu system doesn't lend
> itself to the SqueezeBox, maybe we can at least agree on this.
> If you’re a regular user of the RadioTime website, you would, of
> course, have an advantage when perusing the same groups on the
> Squeezebox. And this is good to know! SlimDesign should provide this
> advice in their user manual – that is the least they can do.  If there
> is some insight that can be provided, tips, for using the various
> options of the menu system, these should be included in the SqueezeBox
> user manual, or SlimDesign’s website – they do not do this – such
> information is not readily available, and it should be.  It is not
> sufficient that I discover such things, by accident, months after
> investing in a SlimDevices audio device.  Certainly SlimDevices is
> neglectful in this regard.   Imagine buying a car, and long after it’s
> been parked in a garage, discovering that it can be “driven”.
> And clearly the menu system at RadioTime hasn’t evolved intelligently. 
> It’s as if the initial designer left the company and their replacement
> created a new category for some new talk show, rather than add it to
> the existing, appropriate category (too many chefs in the kitchen), so
> the intelligent design of the menu system is definitely, obviously,
> questionable.      This is clearly demonstrated by Don Imus’s show
> being off in his own subsubsubcategory, and also by the existence of
> not 1 but about 6 Sirius satellite radio stations, which is fraudulent.
> It’s as if the menu designer took home his laptop and his kids started
> adding stations as a goof - did this happen?  This clearly demonstrates
> an obvious lack of integrity to the menu system, and Slim Design should
> at least be aware of this “serious problem”, and are, to a degree,
> responsible.   All urls in the menu system should work, or at least be
> "valid".  That only about 5-10% work is indefensible.

4 hours is hardly a great deal of time. People who've been using it for
a long time have times in the thousands, or even 10s of thousands. 

Slim devices is simply not responsible for the state of others'
content-- as far as I can see, the slim stuff is pretty much a
passthrough for that stuff.

They _do_ have commercial deals (with, eg, pandora), and I would expect
the interfaces related to those to work better.

As far as those being "serious issues", here we are coming to the crux
of the matter. Slim is (or at least was) a small company trying to
cater to a large and diverse customer community.

There are probably as many (or more) people like me who couldn't care
less about where some talk radio show comes up in a menu, but would be
interested in faster scanning, integration of a room control system,
and any number of other enhancements and bug-fixes than there are
people who care where imus is.


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