JimC;167482 Wrote: 
> Hi there.
> My name is Jim Carlton.  I'm a Virgo.  I like long walks on the beach,
> candlelit dinners, and dancing under the stars.
> Wait!  That's my match.com ad copy.
> Actually, I'm the new Director of Product Marketing here at Slim -- now
> known as the SMS Business Unit at Logitech.  Prior to accepting this
> role, I was the iPod/MP3 and wireless music business manager for
> Logitech in the America's region.  And before that, I've had stints as
> one of the founders of Virgin Electronics, as a jack-of-lots-of-trades
> at Creative Labs, and further back than that just doesn't really
> matter.
> My first order of business here is to offload some of the work of
> integrating Slim with Logitech, so Sean and Dean can get back to
> sleeping once in a while.  Overall, I'll be responsible for the
> customer-facing aspects of this business, and for helping shape how we
> tell the rest of the world about how great the products are...
> To that end, I would absolutely love to hear from the community about
> what you think is great about Slim Devices/Squeezebox/Transporter and
> about what we can do to make them better.  I plan to bring in
> additional resources to help expand the community here, as well as
> promote our third-party developers and plug-ins as a key value-add for
> our products.  It would be great to hear what YOU see as how we can
> best implement that, as well.
> If you have any questions, feedback, gripes, or just want me to finish
> that match.com ad, let me know.

#1: There's very little need to tell everyone how great the squeezebox
is.. everyone that comes over and uses mine realizes that they ARE
great. ;)

#2: Service/Support..
a: I've never had a problem dealing with SD support people, they
answer questions simply and without any hand waving.
b: Software updates, including new product features for "old"
hardware are great.. the fact that you can still use a slimp3 with
slimserver 6.5 is great.  (I have a server built by a company that got
bought by HP, now I can't get any software for it.  bad!)

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