upstatemike wrote:
Another niche market that I hope is not abandoned is the "whole house
audio" crowd. While the majority of Squeezebox sales are 1 or 2 units
used wirelessly, there are some folks who use several players in sync
to provide distributed music. Most find that once you go above 8 or 10
players that keeping things in sync with wireless players becomes a
challenge and switch to hardwired networking.

Absolutely, the music distribution stuff is great.
I'd like to see a slightly less expensive player without the wireless
functionality targeting the distributed audio crowd who need to sync a
large number of players. It would also be nice if it had some
additional mounting options such as a way to mount it to the underside
of a kitchen cabinet. A shorter form factor would also help with this
type of mounting.

I'm sure you must be aware of the present cheaper wired variety (not available in all black)...?


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