JJZolx wrote:
Mike Anderson;167500 Wrote:
Based on my own preferences, and from what little I know about other
computer users:

I think you guys REALLY REALLY need a slick, responsive, clean-running
GUI along the lines of the iTunes software.  For example, the ability
to drag and drop songs to make playlists.  A slider to forward or
rewind through the song. Something that doesn't have to refresh. Etc.

I'd be willing to be that the present software interface (and all its
bugs) is the number one reason your average customer shies away from
this product.

As a programmer, I absolutely LOVE the current web-based software

As a rational person, however, I couldn't agree more with Mike.  You
don't have to drink the Kook-Aid to realize that the vast majority of
_potential_ (and a good majority of current) Squeezebox owners are
running Windows systems and that they have come to expect a more
feature-rich user interface.  The software interface IS the face of the
device to most people.  I think a good native Windows application would
sell many tens of thousands of Squeezeboxes.

Yes, I agree. A professional version of something Moose would do. One that allows you to easily manage multiple players and doesn't need manual setup and seperate database drivers to download. When you're demoing your SD setup to others the web interface doesn't make as sleek an impression as a dedicated (responsive) application could. Everybody likes things to look good. Imagine spending $2000 on a Transporter and being stuck with the current web interface.


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