I'd been wondering why lots of my cover art wasn't displaying in the
Slimserver web front-end. After some investigation I realised that the
problem albums had a cover-art picture named _F_older.jpg. This must be
because quite a lot of my cover-art is added manually by me (Google
image search, then save). Windows thinking it knows best, tends to
capitalise the first letter of a filename, so even though I type
*_f_older.jpg*, it saves a file called *_F_older.jpg*. Now I've
realised what's going on, it isn't a massive problem for me to write a
little script to fix these files. It might be quite useful though, if
the scanner actually treated these exactly the same as the lower-case

What's the general thoughts on this? If I hear any positive noises I'll
raise it as a request.

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