slimrick;168879 Wrote: 
> I upgraded from slimserver 6.2.2 to 6.5 last night. I did this because I
> wanted to be able to use the new Sirius plugin that is only supported in
> slimserver versions 6.3>. After install of the new 6.5 slimserver and
> install of the Sirius plugin, I picked a skin and kicked everything
> off. When I tried to select the Sirius option under internet radio, it
> crashed the server. After a bit of head scratching (not the sharpest
> tac on the block) I decided to try a different skin. This time, I
> noticed that the skin allowed more config interaction for the Sirius
> login requirements that the other skin did not offer. This skin too
> crashed the server. I picked one more skin, and this one is working to
> the best of my knowledge. Is there sensitivity to the skin selection
> with this plugin, or is it most likely due to the fact that I probably
> did something else wrong? This is my first post to this forum, so I'm
> not sure if this is the appropriate section to ask this question.
Hey Rick-
I've tested the plugin with both the default and popular FishBone
skins.  I'm not sure about the others, but I'd be surprised if the
plugin wouldn't work with them.  Regardless of the skin, the plugin
settings under Internet radio settings should work no matter what.  How
you get to the Internet radio settings page will vary from skin to skin

The only predictable way that causes SlimServer to crash while using
the plugin is to attempt to access the plugin without any
clients/players.  Do you have a Squeezebox connected when you're using
the plugin?  If not, make sure you at least have a copy of SoftSqueeze
running.  When I designed the plugin I assumed that there'd always be
at least one player (I thought it was a safe assumption) but apparently
sometimes people run slimserver without any players connected.

Let me know what you find.


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