sdevans;168893 Wrote: 
> I have my music stored (as FLAC) on a simple windows 2000 PC stuck to my
> garage wall. I'm buying a laptop for the first time, and I'm stuck on a
> Macbook. I'm also planning on buying a ipod as it now supports gapless
> playback.
> I want a mp3/aac version of my entire music library on the laptop
> managed via itunes so that I can do the whole playlist/syncing to my
> ipod. 
> I know I can use foobar to convert my library to mp3 and copy it over
> to the laptop (after a couple of days), but how to keep this
> up-to-date?
> Also I'd love it if my playlists created on the ipod could be used by
> the squeezebox? I understand there is some integration between
> Squeezeboxes and Itunes, but since my music is stored in FLAC I don't
> know if that's an option. 
> Anybody got any ideas on this slightly off-topic post. 
> Thanks

It doesn't help you (as it's Linux-only), but in case any Linuxers want
to do the same thing I've a strategy for this using some
commonly-available tools:



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