Mark Lanctot wrote:
Interesting comment in the review:

In a poll on our website last September, 25% of respondents felt that
the magazine was "losing the plot" with its coverage of music-server
devices such as the Squeezebox. Rich Foster's response was typical: "I
don't mind you covering things like [the Sonos gear] or iPod-related
gear, as long as they are kept in perspective. These items are nice for
convenience or portability, but they are not high-end equipment.
Stereophile  has always been about sonic purity."

There are some hard-core audiophiles that dislike any sort of wireless
or computer-based media streamer.  It's a philosophical thing and at
this point does not reflect technological reality - any more so than
cables, but let's not open that 10-ton can of worms.

I have a few audiophile acquaintances and when I extol the virtues of
Slim Devices stuff I usually get a "yeah, but doesn't it only play
MP3s?!"  Sigh.

With their logic they'll probably think mp3's played from the old 360 KB floppy disks (when they were really floppy) would sound far superior.


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