snarlydwarf wrote:
adamslim;167002 Wrote:
The London policy with mail is normally: if it's cheap, send it on to
an inconvenient place for pickup; if it's expensive, leave it on the
doorstep with a big sign saying 'steal me'...

They do that here in Oregon, too: which is why I usually ship expensive
stuff to work.  A bit easier to track and I don't have to chase UPS
around.  (Annoyingly, the UPS office is reasonably close to work... but
if I miss a delivery at home, I have to go home, get the yellow "we
missed you!" card, drive to UPS... and hope the driver got in and
unloaded so I can pick it up...)

Out here in old Holland it's usually the postal service that does the deliveries. They prefer delivering on fridays so that - when you're not there - you'll have to wait until monday to pick up the package at the post office. There's a local electronics chain that mails its stuff over an alternate network. They ship the package to a local 24/7 store or gas station where you can pay for it or pick it up at your leisure. I prefer that to the hit or miss of home delivery.


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