For me (a UK experience) its not so bad if its the post office doing the
delivering... I get the little card through the door and know I have to
go to the local parcel depot the next day, only a few minutes away.

It gets much worse if its one of the independent parcel services
though: same process, except that the depot could be miles away. For
one of them I think my "local" depot is 25 miles away - when one parcel
ended up there I just told them to send it back and got a refund, and
bought from an alternate source that used a different courier!

Actually there is another variation: sometimes they try to find
somewhere to "hide" the parcel and then leave you a note to tell you
where it is. Once, an enterprising driver took it upon himself to go
all the way round the back of my house and leave the parcel in the
rubbish bin ("trash can" if you are the wrong side of the Atlantic) -
which was partly occupied with rubbish at the time. Luckily it was well


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