Quoting mswlogo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry if this is a dumb question. But are there 2 branches running.
6.5.1 and 7.0? I can only find 6.5.1 which is a freshly built nightly.
But I see talk of 7.0 features. Do I have to build 7.0 or are there
kits for both? I'm running on XP platform.

7.0 is the subversion trunk, undergoing massive rework from developers. There are builds, but no web page links because it is NOT for mass consumption. If you wish to take on 7.0, please ONLY do so if you are interested in helping with the rework, or supplying patches. There is too much work to be done to get tied down into "How do I do this?/Why doesn't this work in today's build" support. The best way to get 7.0 is by using svn (http://www.slimdevices.com/dev_resources.html), so that you can get every change and every deletion. Be aware that things will break, and may not get instantly fixed just because someone yells loudly in the forums.

As for fancy new features that you just have to have: there are none in 7.0. There are wishlists, but nothing else beyond backend improvements for stability and maintenance.

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