Brian Ritchie;172097 Wrote: 
> ... Maybe a little early to be popping the champagne corks

A little early indeed: it's just died several times in the past few
minutes. Once whilst playing a WMA track, it just turned off; and
refused to connect to the network again until I pulled the plug out (of
the SB3), at which point suddenly all was OK. Now, why would this fix a
problem with the wireless network?

I find it hard to imagine how my laptop could be working perfectly, and
reporting an Excellent signal, yet the SB3 couldn't even connect to the
network. That's not a bandwidth problem, I'm fairly sure. So what is

I am NOT going to put up with with this much more! If this can't work
100% of the time, then it's no good to me.

I have a few more things to try, such as updating the router's firmware
(though I'm far from convinced that the problem lies there); or I could
try reverting to an earlier version of SS and firmware (though I'd lose
other things in the process, and - again - no guarantee it will actually
help); or - though it really galls - there's bitrate limiting to try
(though how could this explain the damn thing turning itself off?); but
my patience buffer is approaching overflow. I want to listen to my
music, not spend all my free time faffing about with experiments. Right
now, it looks like wireless streaming is not the future, but only the
past, as far as I'm concerned.

(I hope I live to eat my words, but right now I am royally pissed
[off]. Sure enough, as I've been composing this rant, the damn thing
has worked perfectly.  But I keep expecting it to fail at any minute,
and that's the rub: I just don't trust it any more. And indeed, it's
just failed again.)

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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