Here's a couple things I do that have saved me a lot of grief.

First, anything that goes on the "file server" (music, photos,
documents, family videos) gets backed up to DVD-R first.  I also keep
extra DVD-R copies of irreplaceable stuff like family photos in a safe
deposit box.

The file server gets mirrored to an external USB drive after additions
or changes.  I don't keep the external drive connected except during
mirror operations.  I store it in a closet away from the computer

Also, the stuff on the file server is kept "read-only" except during
specific times, mainly when I am updating tags.

Since the server is a Linux system, I take the extra precaution of
making the files "immutable":

chattr -R +i /mnt/hdc1/music

This makes it so even root can't screw up and delete them.

When I want to add files or update file tags, I reverse the immutable

chattr -R -i /mnt/hdc1/music

Actually, I've created aliases, "lock_music", "unlock_music",
"lock_photos", etc. so I can lock/unlock different parts of the server
as needed.

Pale Blue Ego
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